have a plane without the hassle the operation the taxes the optics the audits the accounting the staffing... the plane

corporate jet as a service

We buy your jet and acquire your flight department, while you maintain seamless access to your flight experience – the crew, the plane, the Flight – and none of the operational or accounting headache.

A new segment in business aviation – Corporate Jet As A Service.

Outsource aviation like you would any other business vertical – Staffing, retirement, CRM, payroll, etc. 

Freedom SOlutions

Four Corners Private Charter Planes Jets Dallas Cabo Aspen

Experience Corporate Aviation Freedom


We buy your aircraft and offer seamless, robust access to every aspect of your flight experience without any of the oversight, liability, or management strain. Same crew. Same plane. New Freedom..


Aircraft, crew, and operations are structured and located according to your needs. Supplemental lift can be included into cost structure to fill gaps, offering customization to your exact needs.


24/7 Access, curated service, and seamless flight experience. Enjoy the same aircraft, crew, and facilities anytime, anywhere in the world.


Pay only a monthly access fee and for the flight hours you use. Other flight charges such as fuel or landing fees are passed-through with no markups.

elevate your aviation

contact us

Take the first step, we will take care of the rest